Clicking on the name of a featured song takes you to that song’s page. From each song page you can view/listen/download mp4s (usually 1 with voices, 1 just instruments); mp3s and pdfs with ideas for how to teach the song, and how to exploit the song for teaching music.
“Teddy Bear” has 22 pages of ideas and resources. I may have gotten a bit carried away on this song but its simple rhythms and melody make it perfect for practicing “so-mi-la”; introducing “do”;

reading rhythms and rhythm and beat counting.

“Teddy Bear” also has a student work page.

Teaching music all day is exhausting —its a group activity that requires high energy and constant voice use. Work pages are included in CanDo Music for those occasional days when your voice needs rest; or the class needs a quiet time. Work pages can help consolidate individual learning, and are essential for teacher self-evaluation. The whole class’ s ability to read rhythms doesn’t always mean everyone in the class can do it on their own.
Even though every week has work pages as options, the preferred option in primary is movement, singing(humming this year), composing, active listening, percussion playing(a ruler tapping a desk or a metal water bottle is percussion), dancing or drama.
Oh yes, the other option for “Teddy Bear” is to add orff instruments … check out the ideas on page 22!