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Funga Alafia

Sing and dance a welcoming song that is a mix of continents.

Farmer Brown’s Cow

How do you help make someone who is sick feel better? Sing along with friends who do their best to help out.

Fish ‘n Seaside

Fill up Lukey’s Boat with an assortment of what the ocean has to offer. Lesson ideas and multiple ways to use for student projects are included.


Fais Do Do

Visions of home and chocolate lure babies to sleep en francais.

Flight of the Bumblebee

Magic changes a Tsar’s son, and away he flies, falls in love … go on a journey with this classic piece of music.


Camille Saint-Saens
Carnival of the Animals

Frog In A Bog

Chase the frog around and around, and see if in the muddle both groups in the round land on the rests at the same time!