Melody Maps
*sing the first line of a song while looking at the melody map
OR *guess the song from a melody map
*sing the first line of a song while looking at the melody map
OR *guess the song from a melody map
What happens when Grandpa goes around the world and Meg runs the family farm?
Sing through the anticipation of a special Spring breakfast. An opportunity for music readers to
test out their skills as the rhythms change slightly from verse to verse.
Practice reading skills with these simple chants … then turn them into rounds or partner rhythms; create original accompaniments with found or orchestral percussion or write your own muddy messes!
Practice reading skills with these simple chants … then turn them into rounds or partner rhythms; create original accompaniments with found or orchestral percussion or write your own muddy messes!
Practice reading skills with these simple chants … then turn them into rounds or partner rhythms; create original accompaniments with found or orchestral percussion or write your own muddy messes!
How not to mother a baby in your care –sing along with the silly story just for fun.
Whip up a vegetable stew and then turn it 1900’s into a rondo for Halloween or other special days.
Spring rain and mud go together eh!
Paddle with this rhythmic round in a Canadian icon (canoe).