Piggyback Partners Toronto n Montreal
How to Piggyback or Partner songs … try this.
How to Piggyback or Partner songs … try this.
Step by step directions on how to “piggyback” and/or “zip” to create new songs from old.
Practise reading skills, then follow the steps to add a melody!
Orchestra instruments are the characters in this fairy-tale like story written by Sergei Prokofiev.
Not quite a tongue twister, but close –and lots of fun, whether singing the traditional words or the made up verses featured in the instrumental mp4.
In England, on Pancake Tuesday, playing with your food is what its all about —flipping contests, egg races and EATING! Christina Rosetti wrote the words, can you make up a tune to go with them?
Practice solfa with this reading song, then incorporate the handsigns with the dance for re-enforcement and fun.
Is it possible to feel sorry for a bug? Try this song and decide.
Poor dolly is sick, sick, sick, so Paul (or Polly) calls for the doctor who actually comes to the house! Students can take different roles as they sing and act out this familiar story.
A story where the characters are played by instruments of the orchestra.