Funga Alafia
Sing and dance a welcoming song that is a mix of continents.
Sing and dance a welcoming song that is a mix of continents.
Try this song from the Opera, Hansel and Gretel that invites participation.
Get up close and personal with this party game from pioneer days! May be sung as
a partner song with L’il Liza Jane, or to the Canada version offered.
Want to go a-courtin’ but not allowed to dance? Well then, try this once popular
“party game” as a way to get to know each other.
Join in the pulsing beat and frantic activity of a Holi celebration (minus
the water and coloured powder throwing).
A song that is nearly as old as the bridge it dances on. Enjoy the change of pace
partway through this traditional French melody.
March to the beat with Napoleon’s soldiers, but what do you do when the beat is silent?
Dance this carol that combines an ancient festive time (Yule) with a newer tradition.
Try stamping the rhythm on your feet —instant dance! For a change of pace, use sign language for the key words. Set at a pace that calls for movement, new words make an old tune ready for singing.
Explore ways of moving down the street (sidewalk) in this old, familiar song.