Maple Syrup Saga
Sing through the anticipation of a special Spring breakfast. An opportunity for music readers to
test out their skills as the rhythms change slightly from verse to verse.
Sing through the anticipation of a special Spring breakfast. An opportunity for music readers to
test out their skills as the rhythms change slightly from verse to verse.
Follow the journey of a song that has traveled around the world.
Can you plant a cabbage with your elbows? How about your nose?
Baseball fans know the chorus … but what about the rest of the story?
Let the haunting melody become part of your memories as you sing this
Canadian folksong. It can also be partnered with “My Paddle’s Keen and
Bright” to add harmony.
Row to the sound of waves, and call out to friends near by! –a work song from Polynesia.
Join the stampeders as they head north for gold!
This fast moving jig calls feet to join with voices.
What happened to those who built the railroads?
Just what kind of donkey is this?