We Shall Overcome
Discover the story that goes with the song!
Discover the story that goes with the song!
Spirituals may come from years past, but they are still relevant today. Join in singing a description of peace.
Sing about Canada’s past with this Prairie folksong.
Switch up this well-known American working song by adding a Canadian story.
Mime the stages of a traditional seal hunt –needed in the far-North to feed communities.
Get up close and personal with this party game from pioneer days! May be sung as
a partner song with L’il Liza Jane, or to the Canada version offered.
Sing it as a ballad, turn it into a square dance, or make up your own version with friends living in many places! The catchy, pentatonic tune lends itself to simple orchestrations.
Cajun folksong with a French Canadian accompaniment —can you sing and dance at the same time?
Oh that Mama —with a wink and a grin cause Mama is apt to join right in to this rollicking tune. Plenty of opportunities to add new ideas or use as a lead in to generating classroom guidelines for what is allowed this year.
So who is richer —the millionaire or the little boy fish’?