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Gonna Lay Down My Sword

Spirituals may come from years past, but they are still relevant today. Join in singing a description of peace.

Great Grandma

Sing about Canada’s past with this Prairie folksong.


Mime the stages of a traditional seal hunt –needed in the far-North to feed communities.

Great Big House in New Orleans

Get up close and personal with this party game from pioneer days! May be sung as
a partner song with L’il Liza Jane, or to the Canada version offered.

Little Liza Jane

Sing it as a ballad, turn it into a square dance, or make up your own version with friends living in many places! The catchy, pentatonic tune lends itself to simple orchestrations.

Bonjour Mes Amis

Cajun folksong with a French Canadian accompaniment —can you sing and dance at the same time?

Mama Don’t Allow No Singing

Oh that Mama —with a wink and a grin cause Mama is apt to join right in to this rollicking tune. Plenty of opportunities to add new ideas or use as a lead in to generating classroom guidelines for what is allowed this year.