March 2023

February 28,2023

In like a lion and out like a lamb  –or is it the other way around?

March is known for temperamental weather.   Or maybe for us in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s  our weariness with winter that makes the weather seem so unpredictable.     But whatever the skies or streets look like, the sure sign of Spring is the sun staying in the sky a little longer every day.

Songs this month turn away from snow and towards maple syrup, rain puddles and sunshine.

Maple Syrup   and Maple Syrup Rag (melody next year)

Sun Sun   and    Oh When the Sun

Thunder Crashes   is an easy reading chant which may also be used as a round.    Rain Rain Go Away    sung on   “so – mi”   makes a game out of solo-singing.     If All The Raindrops     focuses on form and a wistful imagination.

January Snow   is an old nursery rhyme following weather through the months of the year.    Variations of Ev’rybody Sing a Song of Seasons   offers opportunities to create a class version of activities for each season.

And remember,

Whether the weather is cold.

Or whether the weather is hot.

We’ll weather the weather, whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not!