
September 09,2022
Everything is new again –at least for some of us. New teacher? New students? New classroom? New teaching assignment? New subject? And, of course, there’s the much anticipated, perhaps dreaded, reshuffling of students and teachers over the next few weeks, that
April 01,2022
My grandmother was born, in what is now Saskatchewan, in 1895.  My great-grandfather grew up on the north shore of New Brunswick.   He came to Saskatchewan by working on the railway as it was being built across Canada.   My great-great-great Grandfather came to
February 01,2022
After a January  with Omicron, blizzards and too many grey days, that just seemed to crawl by, February will be a treat.   Even with snow storms, its a short month and speeds by as we all anticipate Spring’s arrival. Musical themes built in to the month
January 15,2022
The official launch of learning the full solfa scale is in Grade 3.  Many children will be familiar with it from the song  “Do/doe a deer”.  Since that song is copyrighted, different versions of an old folksong are offered here as a way to both practice
January 01,2022
Brrrrrr ….. It’s only taken 2 years of Covid to get me back to writing.   My apologies to anyone who has kept looking for the rest of the Grade 3 CanDo materials.    January lessons are up!    I’ll attempt to keep time with the months this year.
December 28,2021
November 15,2021
Things about beat may be taught:  like tempo, time signatures, musical math and notes/bar.   However, the most important aspect of beat is better caught than taught.   That aspect encompasses the essence of what beat is, feeling the beat, keeping the beat, finding
October 31,2021
From All-Hallow’s Eve to All Saint’s Day, how many ways can you spell
October 01,2021
Best month of the year –not too hot, not too cold, bugs gone and two delightful holidays! Move or Dance in Celebration:  Turkey in the Straw;   Shoo Turkey; Five Fat Turkeys;  Thanksgiving Dinner (pocket chart composing);  Thank-Yous(warm-up);  We Give