Starlight ‘n Wishes
Is wishing for something enough? Sing these two partner songs for ideas.
Is wishing for something enough? Sing these two partner songs for ideas.
Whip up a vegetable stew and then turn it 1900’s into a rondo for Halloween or other special days.
Sing about Canada’s past with this Prairie folksong.
Mother and Father sing of their love for a newborn daughter in this Inuit lullaby.
Visions of home and chocolate lure babies to sleep en francais.
Try this song from the Opera, Hansel and Gretel that invites participation.
Sing through the scale in a colourful song.
Get up close and personal with this party game from pioneer days! May be sung as
a partner song with L’il Liza Jane, or to the Canada version offered.
Cajun folksong with a French Canadian accompaniment —can you sing and dance at the same time?
Oh that Mama —with a wink and a grin cause Mama is apt to join right in to this rollicking tune. Plenty of opportunities to add new ideas or use as a lead in to generating classroom guidelines for what is allowed this year.