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Hockey Cheers!

Sing “Hockey, Hockey” then add a class-made cheer. Or use materials provided for individual composition projects.


Hellos x25

When and how “Hello” is said around the world, visuals feature people from many countries, and the word for “Hello” in the language of that country. Key of D

Hellos x25 explores when and how “Hello” is said around the world.  Visuals feature people from many countries, and the word for “Hello” in the language of that country.    Key of D


instrumental recording
student/teacher leads, class echo

Hello x5

pitch match
Key D
5 languages
5 sequences

Hellos x2

pitch match “Hello”
5 languages
repeated once

Holi Ho

Join in the pulsing beat and frantic activity of a Holi celebration (minus
the water and coloured powder throwing).