January 2025

January 03,2025

In 1748, my great-great … great Grandfather left Scotland for northern New Brunswick. Family lore says it was because of sheep stealing, but that soon after the Jacobite rebellion, chances are they were running from the English for more than one reason. Having a bit of Scotland in the family tree gives a great excuse for celebration in the doldrums of January. Robbie Burns Day is January 25.

Robbie Burns wrote about the ordinary things in life —farming, a mouse in the field, love, being poor. He emphasized that a person needs to be measured by who s/he is, not by what s/he has, the family s/he was born into or who s/he is married to. Burns became the “peasant’s poet.” His works were quoted often by Russian peasants as well as the poor in many countries.   He wrote the song now sung around the world to welcome the New Year  “Auld Lang Syne”.

In “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean”, its not clear if “Bonnie” is a woman or a man!  Maybe Bonnie’s husband has emigrated to Canada, and she is still in Scotland. Or maybe Bonnie and her family have emigrated to Canada, and her boyfriend back in Scotland is missing her. Or maybe the Bonnie is
talking about a prince from Scotland named Charlie. Scotland and England were fighting and Charlie had to leave Scotland. He was called the “Bonnie Prince Charlie”.

Who ever you think Bonnie is, enjoy the song with its traditional actions of standing/sitting every time a “b” is sung. More background information about Robbie Burns, Scotland and bagpipes is found in the pdf for this song.

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Pop around the website exploring. Download songs for a road trip. Browse the lessons for ideas about how to present music elements –and basic info like: What is the difference between beat and rhythm?