Can Do Music
Free Music Lessons for Teachers and Students!
Carnival has been part of Quebec life since the 1800s. Sing and play a long with its mascot Bonhomme.
Can Do Music 2
Playing outside in the snow is fun, until its not. Sing this simple round, play its melody on a glockenspiel or make up a harmony while naming experiences of a Canadian winter.
A friend thought I wrote this about her daughter, but its really about me. Maybe its about you too? Explore mood in music and emotions that are a part of living as you sing along.
What is the difference between beat and rhythm? Keep it straight with this deceptively simple chant.
Eating worms? Only if they are noodles in my soup!
Just who was this Bonnie? Sing about Bonnie while exploring Scotland traditions which include Robbie Burns' Day.
Dragons dancing, poetry, good food --sing about traditions that go with Chinese New Year.
This song has been around the world traveling wherever Americans have traveled, including outer space! Join in the chorus, dance to the tune or just enjoy the beat.