
May 04,2020
In the midst of all the confusion and angst, I love the many ways ordinary people are reaching out to each other with music. Some of its in tune, some of it not so much —-but its being given with empathy and hope and it helps. Music pulls us together in times
April 24,2020
And this year, April is very different. Physical distancing is the norm, and socializing is done by texting or internet. Classrooms and homes have become one and the same. In the midst of all the confusion and angst, I love the many ways ordinary people are reaching
March 01,2020
In like a lion and out like a lamb  –or is it the other way around this year?   March winds and March Break conspire to keep restlessness in the classroom high this month. Wear out some of that restlessness with rousing action songs (Napoleon and The Grand
January 30,2020
With only 28(29?) days, February is stuffed full of special music. Winter Carnivals in Quebec ring with Bonhomme! Valentine’s Day offers a chance to try out  music reading skills, step by step in the video for Valentine, Red and Blue. Black History Month is
January 05,2020
January usually seems like a long month.   Maybe its the droop after December festivities are over, and the dearth of January holidays.     Unless, of course, you celebrate the Chinese New Year,  or are Scottish and roast Robbie Burns. Long months are good blocks
December 01,2019
Even if you tried very hard, it would be difficult NOT to meet at least one or two music curriculum expectations (performance, music and culture, listening, etc.) in December.    Holidays wouldn’t be the same without music:  dance, concerts,  movies, ballet,
November 01,2019
November music begins quietly with peace songs and then seems to rush the holiday season with rehearsals beginning for special music and concerts. Even though I wince at ever earlier store displays of decorations and gifts, I acknowledge that early starts at rehearsal,
October 06,2019
October music tastes the richness of this time of year  —Autumn, Thanksgiving and Harvest, Hallowe’en.  Themes of harvest and death are the focus of special days in many cultures   e.g. China’s New Moon where families gather and share a
September 05,2019
Classroom music in September is an opportunity to relax and have fun, getting on with the work of becoming a community. Since good songs are meant to be sung again and again, pull out some “oldie goldies” likely to have been sung by your new students in their past
January 01,2019
Welcome to winter of 2019. Used to be we could count on snow by January. When I lived in Yellowknife, when I lived in New Brunswick, snow was reliable. There are still places in our world where global warming can be ignored during the winter, but not in southern