
December 01,2018
I started September planning to keep up with putting all the resources for Can Do 3 on this site in time for each month as it came. I’m not keeping up with my plans. Life keeps getting in the way! Maybe that happens to you once in a while in the classroom? There’s
September 01,2018
Doesn’t matter what the calendar says, somewhere deep inside, I know the year begins in September with school starting. The holiday schedule, staff meetings, the now familiar class rearranging due to enrollment, lists of students and curriculum goals may look the
October 28,2017
There was a time when I knew 25-30 phone numbers by heart. I suspect it came by dialing them again and again and again. No matter where I went, I had those phone numbers with me, ready when needed. No longer. Today phone numbers are stored in our phones instead of in
June 25,2017
Why sing? Whether its around a campfire, in a classroom, during the 7th inning stretch, at a faith gathering, or on Parliament Hill on Canada Day, singing together brings us together.  Even if we’re not all in tune, we are all saying the same words at the same
December 06,2016
Can Do Music is a gift.  No ads, no log-ins, no email list  –just some things to help you make music in your classroom (if you’re a teacher), or to sing-a-long with (if you’re young in years or heart). Pop around the website exploring.   Download