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Classroom music in September is an opportunity to relax and have fun, getting on with the work of becoming a community. Since good songs are meant to be sung again and again, pull out some “oldie goldies” likely to have been sung by your new students in their past school or camp experiences.

Think back to when you were young. What were your favourite songs? Where did you learn them? Who taught them to you?

What about favourite songs gives them “staying” quality?

Music time will have some “teaching songs”, but be sure to include a few with that “staying” quality. And sing them often just because.

my favourite September songs  …

Mama Don’t ‘Low No Singing;   Bonjour Mes Amis;  Chay Chay Cool-Eh;  Follow the Leader;  Head and Shoulders;  In Canada;  John the Rabbit;  The Bear Went Over the Mountain;  The More We Get Together;  The Wheels on the Bus